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HomeTips Air Conditioning and Heating Talk
Room Air Conditioners Article
Written by HomeTips in USA
March 3, 2009 03:08:19 PM in Home and Garden | Air Conditioning and Heating | USA
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With rising energy costs and seemingly ever-rising summer temperatures, more and more people are turning to room air conditioners to keep their areas cool. A room air conditioner quickly cools down a small interior space and is ideal for bedrooms, home offices, dens and family rooms. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from small, temporary window-mounted units to roll-around portable appliances, to fully installed wall-mount fixtures.

Whereas a central air conditioner is ideal for cooling an entire home, a room air conditioner is ideal for smaller spaces, apartments, or situations where only some areas of a house are needing use at one given time. A room a/c unit requires much less energy than a whole-house system and operates at a fraction of the cost.

Visit us at HomeTips.com where you will find a variety of helpful articles on air conditioning & heating, including useful buying guides, illustrated DIY step-by-step installation directions, and detailed maintenance and repair instructions for the do-it-yourselfer.

For more information about room air conditioners, visit our Website at: http://www.hometips.com/room_air_conditioners.html